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About Let's Reminisce

Preserving family history is an ancient tradition. However, it has fallen out of the mainstream. Even in our technologically advanced world and low barriers to entry, most people do not take the time to have meaningful conversations with their family and document it for future generations. Let's Reminisce seeks to show people the power of this type of history, which can change how you see family, and yourself.

But, Let's Reminisce cannot accomplish this mission alone. Support from our premium members makes this show appear in podcast feeds and furthers our mission. 

In return of your support, you'll gain access to ad-free episodes, bonus interviews, a premium newsletter (both text and audio), and become immortalized in the Let's Reminisce show notes.
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Episode 1: Jeff & Andrea (ad-free)
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Episode 2: Mamita (ad-free)
Episode 1: Jeff & Andrea (ad-free)
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